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Team eXile

While the United States is beginning to dominate the loony suicidal cult market, Russia is rapidly replacing America as the serial murder capital of the world. First Andrei Chikatilo set the modern record for serial murder victims by killing 53 people in a twelve-year span; then Soviet-born Andrei Onuprienko nearly broke the record with a three-month killing spree near Lvov, Ukraine that left 52 people dead. Now police in the city of Novokuznetsk suspect that one Alexander Spesivtsyev, 27, may have surpassed Chikatilo by killing more than eighty people. Formally charged with the murders of nineteen children, Spesivtsiyev’s story is unusually gruesome even for a serial killer. (more…)

Posted: May 8th, 1997

This is the cover of The eXile Issue #7, published in May 1997.

Posted: May 8th, 1997

This is the cover of The eXile Issue #6, published in April 1997.

Posted: April 24th, 1997

Hockey is a tough sport; on the ice, Russians are said to play more of a finesse game than the Canadians, but off it, they seem to be a few Maple Leafs up on the competition. Soon Russian hockey officials may start wearing green lights over their heads so that assassins will know when they’ve scored; the latest victim was none other than Valentin Siych, the President of the Russian Hockey Federation, murdered on April 22 at nine a.m. The assassin used the by-now cliche method of the bullet in the head at nine a.m. in the victim’s own podyezd; Siych was on his way to be interviewed by Komsomolskaya Pravda. (more…)

Posted: April 17th, 1997